Checks for PDR can be made out to "PDR" and sent to PDR, PO Box 35222, Boston, MA 02135.
You may also use PayPal to make a donation (you need to pretend you're donating for "one item"):
The best way to support us is by Ringing the Bells of Revolution. Our website suggests some ways to do that.
We operate on a shoestring and pay for things by our own donations out-of-pocket. Any contribution you can make will be greatly appreciated. Our expenses include things such as purchasing stickers and buttons. Our PDR button costs $500 for a thousand commercially ($350 when homemade), and stickers cost us $248 for a thousand commercially. We make these available for free to those who wish to wear them and possibly "button" or put stickers up around town.
Also this website costs us $133 per year and the P.O. Box costs $124 per year. is a sister website of