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---------- Original Message ----------
To: "Kevin M. Carragee" <>
Date: December 13, 2019 at 2:00 PM
Subject: Now the "Stop & Shop" (Allston Yards) issue is "settled," right?


Hi Kevin,


Would you agree that in light of the BPDA's approval of the Allston Yards project yesterday, the Allston Yards project is "settled"?


I would like to remind you that back in June you told me you agreed that, when the Allston Yards project is settled, you "would propose to the [BACC] Steering Committee in the near future that BACC conduct an open and democratic debate focusing on John's proposal to expand BACC's mission and agenda." [Note: the words in quotation marks are my wording that you agreed was correct, in your email to me copied below.]


Will you now do what you agreed to do?


(You also said you would send me a corrected summary of our meeting at Athan's Bakery, but you did not.)




John Spritzler



---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Kevin M. Carragee" <>
Date: June 7, 2019 at 11:50 AM
Subject: RE: brief meeting summary


I will send you the final version.



Sent: Friday, June 07, 2019 11:46 AM
To: Kevin M. Carragee
Subject: RE: brief meeting summary




Thank you. Please send me the final version.


Have a good weekend yourself.



On June 7, 2019 at 11:34 AM "Kevin M. Carragee" <> wrote:



You make a good and important point. I will incorporate your change.


I hope you have a good weekend.





Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2019 5:58 PM
To: Kevin M. Carragee
Subject: Re: brief meeting summary


Hi Kevin,


Thanks for preparing this draft. I have one proposed edit.


I propose changing the sentence that currently reads:


"I, nonetheless, assured John that I would share with the Steering Committee his request in the near future that BACC conduct an open and democratic debate focusing on his proposal to expand BACC's mission and agenda."


to read:


"I, nonetheless, assured John that I would propose to the Steering Committee in the near future that BACC conduct an open and democratic debate focusing on John's proposal to expand BACC's mission and agenda."


Your current wording says, or could be construed to say, that you will simply tell the Steering Committee what I want, not what you want. I thought you wanted in the near future for the BACC to conduct this open debate. I thought your only disagreement with me in this matter was about the timing (near future versus now.)


What do you think?



On June 5, 2019 at 5:00 PM "Kevin M. Carragee" <> wrote:



While we disagreed on a number of issues at our recent meeting, I would propose the following as an email that I will send to the BACC Steering Committee regarding some of the areas where we reached consensus.


I am open to potential revisions and, if I inadvertently left something significant out, please point that out (please note that my intention is not to provide an exhaustive summary of our conversation.


To the Steering Committee:


As you know, I met with John Spritzler to discuss some concerns he has concerning BACC's mission and agenda. In the meeting, I thanked John for his work on behalf of BACC, including his recruitment of a considerable number of new members for BACC.


John strongly believes that the BACC would benefit from an expanded mission and political agenda, with an emphasis, for example, on income inequality, the domination of American society and politics by a rich elite, and the need to expose what he sees as a sham democracy. He believes that this broader agenda actually would increase BACC's power and attract a broader membership.


In our conversation, I noted to John that BACC has a much narrower agenda focusing on issues relating to housing and development in Allston-Brighton.


John recognizes this, but he very much wants to have an open discussion among BACC members in the near future concerning his proposal to expand BACC's mission and agenda. He views this open discussion as consistent with the BACC's commitment to democratic decision-making.


I raised concerns in the short-term about taking up this issue, given BACC's current overwhelming focus on the significance of the Stop & Shop development.


I, nonetheless, assured John that I would share with the Steering Committee his request in the near future that BACC conduct an open and democratic debate focusing on his proposal to expand BACC's mission and agenda.


This email, therefore, is consistent with my pledge. John also had the opportunity to vet this email so that it properly reflects his ideas. Obviously, the BACC Steering Committee in the immediate aftermath of our mobilization against the Stop & Shop development will need to address John's concerns.





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