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This brand new page is devoted to sharing the writing, videos or websites of people who, like I, seem to want a more equal and democratic society but whose ideas about how to make it so may be either quite similar to mine or possibly fundamentally different from, and even perhaps contradictory to, the  ideas about what I call egalitarianism that I express on this website.

If you would like to comment on these articles or any other articles on this website, I invite you to subscribe to my blog and use its comment feature to do so (and also, if you wish, email me to let me know you made a comment and want to hear my reply.)

The links below are from top to bottom in the order I learned of their existence.

The Serviceberry


An Economy of Abundance

by Robin Wall Kimmerer

This website includes some, articles as well as many others.

An Alternative to Capitalism (since we cannot legislate morality)

By John Steinsvold  

[I, John Spritzler, the editor of, note that Steinsvold's article does not mention whether free loaders (people who would ordinarily be expected to contribute in some fashion but who simply refuse to do so) would be entitled to take for free the fruits of the labor of the non-free loaders; in an egalitarian society free loaders would not have this right. I discuss this issue here. When I asked Steinsvold what he thought about the problem of free loaders, he sent me this reply:


The problem of freeloaders is serious. However, I believe the problem is temporary.


Today, many people are working at jobs that have become a drudgery or boring. They will welcome the opportunity in a way of life without money to get away from work and pursue pleasure. In time, however, they may wish to use their skills once again or perhaps choose a more challenging occupation. It is a fact that people like to help others.

In a way of life without money, the meaning of the word “work” will gain an entirely new meaning.  


Today, “work” implies something we must do to “make a living”.  In a way of life without money, work will become a means to learn, create and achieve without any economic fear. Achievement, perhaps, is the major source of happiness in life. 


In our present economic system, there will always be freeloaders which, in fact, we may envy. In a way of life without money, however, there will be a social pressure to use one’s talents or abilities to serve mankind. It is a powerful force. Freeloaders will be looked down on, possibly ostracized and find it difficult to hold their heads high when walking down the streets of their neighborhood. 


Also. I have tried to illustrate the role reversal which has taken place between ourselves and money with a simple analogy:

The Servant and the Master

There was once a master in need of a servant.  He found a servant that proved to be most valuable.  The master was able to achieve great wealth with the help of this unusual servant.

One day, the servant stumbled and fell; but the master lifted him to his feet. The servant stumbled and fell again; but again, the master lifted him to his feet. The servant, however, continued to stumble and fall; but the master kept lifting the servant to his feet. In time, the servant was carried by the master.

I (John Spritzler) do not think the problem of free loaders will simply disappear when egalitarians are in power, certainly not for very many generations following the emergence of egalitarian power. I think free loading must be explicitly condemned. Furthermore--and this is key!--unless the movement to remove the rich from power does explicitly condemn free loading it will not be able to win the support of the many good people who, very understandably and correctly, believe free loading is immoral.


(links to PDF files of the book: parts 1, 2 and 3)

by Ben C. Price

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